Betekenis van:
working person


  1. My father is a hard-working, straightforward, and modest person.
  2. Tom isn't the type of person I want working for us.
  3. Twenty-five years from now there will be one retired person for each two working.
  4. Person was working (including apprentices, trainees)
  5. is receiving a pension as a non-working person
  6. is not receiving a pension as a non-working person
  7. has applied for a pension as a non-working person
  8. Can the insured person work without the support of another person at the working place?
  9. Complete only if the form concerns an employed or self-employed person who is working or an unemployed person.
  10. Person reduced his/her working hours in a move to full retirement
  11. Economic activity of local unit in which person was working one year before survey
  12. Person is not searching for a job or is working part time because:
  13. of a healthy person employed in the same activity with a normal working period
  14. Month in which person started working for this employer or as self-employed
  15. Person who has been employed under working conditions recognised as dangerous and of arduous nature